a chart to describe the search engine market

Image via Wikipedia

If you want your site to rank higher in the search engines, you must follow basic SEO principles, if you want your site to move up. If you don’t follow the basics your website isn’t going to rank too high in Google or any of the other search engines.

  • Your web page should have at least 500 words of content. The longer the better. In my experience I have seen that even webpages that have 800-1,000 words of content convert very well provided they have the right keyword density. If you post to your site more frequently (3-5) times per week, then pages that have approximately 300 words should suffice.
  • The content should be informative and provide some value to
    the reader, otherwise even if a person lands on your website,
    you cannot hope them to click through.
  • It needs to be keyword optimized. The rule is to have
    keywords within a density of 2 to 4%. For more specific keyword
    optimization rules refer to my previous email and wait for the
    next one too!
  • Use title tags. This helps to give a good focus to your
    content and people know what exactly they are reading. It is
    also an SEO trick. When you use H1, H2 and even H3 tags and you have the keyword in it, your webpage is counted to have better on-page optimization factors.
  • Using a content management platform like WordPress or Joomla
    with the correct plug-ins can really make your writing easier and more effective.

These are the basic rules you need to follow. Even if you currently have a
website that is basically a flash website with a lot of images and
graphics, make sure to have optimized content below the pictures
so that the search engines can find it valuable.

The key points to remember is that every search engine wants to enhance their users’
search experience. This means they want to deliver to the end user a website with the
best content for their search experience.So, even if the times and tools have changed,
one thing remains the same — Content
is King.

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